Monday, November 5, 2012

17 Weeks!

Getting Antsy!!!
Starting to get a little ANTSY... Okay maybe more then a little.  This pregnancy is going by so fast, before you know it I'm going to have two children.  So many things to look forward to and be excited about. Not going to lie, I have some fears. Fear that I won't be the same mom I am to London now.  She is my world! I know I will figure it out, but everything I do is for her.  My day is all about London. I wouldn't want it any other way. I am so fortunate that I get to stay home with her.  I know she is going to be a GREAT big sister and want to be a helper. 

We already have plans for the baby's room whether it's a boy or a girl we are going with Gray and white with yellow accents.  So excited about it!!!

Still feeling great and growing up a storm.  I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday and then the countdown begins for my ULTRASOUND November 21st can't come fast enough.  After I know the gender things can slow down. 

1 comment:

  1. We are so similar. I also have a daughter (with the same fears about being a good mommy to her after this baby comes). I'm 18 weeks, but my ultrasound for finding out the sex is on November 21st as well! :) Good luck! I love your update pictures.
