Monday, August 27, 2012

Oh the "morning sickness"

Sick, sick and more sick.  From the time I wake up until I finally fall asleep at night I feel nauseous.  I had the easiest pregnancy with London, but this one is so different. I am exhausted and sick.  Poor Jade has to hear me say that a million times a day.  Anyone have any special tips for getting over the nausea? I hear it subsides after the first trimester. Lets  hope!
I have my first Doctors visit on Thursday!  Well, it's not with my actual OB, but the Nurse.  They just go over what to do and not to do during pregnancy.  The part I most excited for is scheduling my first ultrasound.  It will be sometime in September. Wish us luck that everything goes well.

Love Jaclyn and the baby inside making me sick, sick and more sick!    

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Big news for the Worthington's

So this is it!  I decided to start a blog.  I am terrible at writing so bear with me.  Jade and I are expecting our second baby April 2013!  We are beyond excited.  As many of you know it took us a long time to conceive London (18months).  I thought we were on the same road with baby #2 when I got some discouraging news about my progesterone levels.  
This is how the story of baby #2 began; I went in on July 27th to get my levels checked, they were checking to see if I ovulated.  My numbers came back 1.67 to ovulate according to the "RANGE" I didn't.  You need to be at least an 8-10.  So I got off the phone with one of the nurses and started to cry.  I just sat and cried and felt sorry for myself.  Asking "What is wrong with me? Why can't I just get pregnant like everyone else?"  37 days went by and still no period. Most people would already assume they were pregnant, well not me because I am so irregular I have gone 69 days without one before and wasn't pregnant.  My Doctor called in a prescription for me called provera it induces you to have a period.  She said to wait until day 40 before taking it and that she also wanted me to take a pregnancy test just to be safe before.  It was only day 37, but I was going to pick up that prescription early because we were going camping that week and I didn't want to forget it.  I went to the bathroom before getting ready with London of course in there "reading" me a story.  I opened a test and already told myself it was going to be negative.  I was so SURE.  To my surprise *PREGNANT*flashing before my eyes!!!  I couldn't believe it.  Getting a little teary eyed again just thinking about how I felt in that moment.  I picked London up and said your going to be A BIG SISTER <3 She didn't understand, but I was so excited.  
Jade was fishing so he had no service which was a good thing.  Last time when I was pregnant I sent a text message picture of the pregnancy test that said pregnant.  I wanted to do something different this time.  I told all my family and three of my closest friends before Jade even knew.  I had to tell someone :)  I drove to three different stores looking for a shirt that said *BIG SISTER* Of course when your actually looking for something you can never find it.  I found one that was long sleeve and went to my friend Natalie's.  I kept calling Jade asking when he was gonna come over to swim.  He finally showed up at 2:30pm.  I wasn't going to say anything and just see if he noticed.  Like any typical guy he didn't, so I had to say "Do you like London's new shirt?" He still didn't get it.  I said "do you see what it says?' He kept reading over and over again "Big Sister, Big, Sister."   "Yes, London is going to be a big sister" I said.  I am PREGNANT!  He was in shock and was so excited!  I think this is long enough for my first blog. :)