Wednesday, January 30, 2013

29 Weeks

I know I say it every week, but time is just flying!!! Probably because I have London to chase after all day and keep me busy.  I remember being pregnant with her and it felt like time stood still.   We have just been busy with lots of projects for Savannah's room.  Jade is putting in the new carpet this weekend.  :)  

Friday, January 25, 2013

28 Weeks!!!

Crazy to think in just 12 short weeks Savannah will be here.  Every night when I try and sleep I've been thinking about giving birth to London.  It brings tears to my eyes just to think about.  So excited to be able to do it again and have our special moment with Savannah.  Nothing in this world is better then being a Mommy.  You are always wanted, always needed and always LOVED!  London loves her Mama so much it just fills my heart.  I am so lucky and so thankful I have an AMAZING husband that lets me be a stay at home Mom. 

Haven't done this in awhile

How far along? 28weeks

How are you feeling? Great overall.  Having a hard time sleeping lately, but it's just Savannah getting me ready for some sleepless nights :) I was so lucky with Lo she slept through the night at 6 weeks. I had to wake her to feed her.

Weight Gain?  12lbs :) as of my last appointment. Savannah at the ultrasound was 2.2lbs

Stretch Marks?  Knock on wood.... No :) I got lucky with Lo too and didn't get any :)

Wedding ring on or off?  Still on

Cravings? Really bad....Dr. Pepper :) It's so funny when you have your second baby you aren't all about being  "by the book".  Don't worry Savannah I still drink plenty of water and milk :)

What's exciting lately?  Finishing up the nursery so we can put it all together.  I LOVE it!  I have done lots and lots of crafts for your room :)

Movement?  TONS!!! I think she is going to be a busy bee like her sissy. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

27 Weeks

27 Weeks

We went in for an ultrasound this week to check on Baby Savannah.  Just like with Lo she had Choroid plexus cyst at our 18 week anatomy scan. Lesson learned don't go early next time :)  The cyst aren't really cyst, they are pockets of fluid that get trapped and they are a soft marker for different birth defects so they do a level 2 ultrasound the next time to make sure everything is measuring fine and that there are no other issues.  Good news :)  SAVANNAH RAE IS PERFECT!!! We are so thankful.  The cyst are so common that 1-3 babies have them at one point during development they usually resolve on their own by 20 weeks.  I talked to my actual OB and she said I don't need to gain more weight and everything I'm doing is spot on.  I LOVE her.  As you can see Savannah is growing nicely inside my tummy :)  She looks just like her big sister.  So thankful and happy for a healthy baby.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week 26

Feeling Great!  Can't believe how fast this is all happening :(  Excited for Wednesday I have another ultrasound so I get to see our sweet baby girl again.  We have been super busy with getting her room ready.  Okay I have been busy.  Jade will be painting this week!!! YAY :) 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

25 Weeks

25 WEEKS!!! What???? How is this going by so fast!?!

Sporting some of my new Christmas presents.  Jade is the BEST!  All I want to wear are yoga pants and my new tennis shoes :)  I am in heaven! 

Just got home from my three hour, yes three hour glucose test!  YUCK!  They make you fast for 8 hours well I had been fasting/ puking my guts out the whole day prior.  I got some quick yucky bug and so happy that it's gone.  I lost 4lbs in just one day.  Enough complaining.  I'm just so happy to be feeling better.

Things for Savannah's room

Painting this cute little wagon an antique white
Sign I made to put next to Savannah's crib

Waiting for her shelf to be finished and these will be a beautiful with flowers in them :)
The rug I handmade for Savannah

My finished project!  Love how it turned out!
Working on this tonight!!! So excited :)
Ordering this but with Savannah :)
I need to change the top to white ruffle or pink roses. This was my first project when her room was going to have purple, but not anymore. 

This shelf I found on pinterest and my husband is going to make it!  LOVE it!

Lamp I just finished making for her room :)
This is an old window that will hang above her changing table
This is the bedding that I have fallen in LOVE with :) It's perfect and even named Savannah!

This S will be on a plate rack sitting on her shelf <3
This is the color I choose to cover her rocking chair cushions in and her changing pad.  So pretty!!!
Thinking we will do white maybe pink if I find the exact fabric I want.  Going to have them made.  With a lace panel in the middle.
Look at this cute cage I found at Salvation army

This is hanging in our room right now, but will go above Savannah's crib when her room is ready.

Jade painted!!! YAY just needs to add the trim to the top and the bottom :) LOVE the colors. 

24 Weeks

24 Weeks and feeling great :) Can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going.  In 16 short weeks we will get to meet little miss Savannah Rae.  So excited and nervous all at the same time.